With your support we can make the impossible happen.
Your donation supports nurturing the potential of kids, improving the nation’s health and well-being, and strengthening our community.
People of all ages and backgrounds in our community are struggling to reach their full potential. More and more children are facing challenges including learning gaps. Families find it more and more difficult to spend quality time together.
When challenges arise, the Y steps in. The Y understands what our community needs to be its best. Working with generous donors like you, the Y provides everyone an opportunity to be healthy and thrive, and contribute to a better community. Everything the Y does is in service of making a better us.
Our donors, members, volunteers, supporters and staff demonstrate the power of what we can achieve by giving back together.
Check out how your gift impacts our Y and our community!
Our 2024 Campaign, “Why We Love Our Y” is underway and we are accepting donations to help our neighbors be successful and help us in fulfilling our mission in providing services to ALL!
Click HERE to complete your donation online or stop by or mail us your contribution at Parkview Huntington Family YMCA, 1160 W 500 N, Huntington, IN 46750.