First, I would like to thank everyone that responded to our Fall 2021 survey. Every day our goal is to improve our facility, programs, and member-services, so your input is vital to us. The following page is in response to frequently asked questions/comments on our “Member Satisfaction Survey”. We received 39 pages of comments; constructive, negative, positive, and all of the above and in-between! We will address a few questions at a time, and rotate in a timely fashion. Most importantly, I want you to know that we listen and try to find solutions when possible. If you would like to review survey results–click here.
Thank you,Todd Latta
Comment: I would like to see more bottle refill stations
- Response: Wish Granted!! We recently received a grant from the Huntington County Community Foundation, and we were able to install 3 new stations.
Comment: There should be a decline bench station and pec deck station added. (There used to be a pec deck station years ago, but it was removed)
- Response: We have four pieces of strengh equipment on the way. Inner/Outer Thigh, Adjustable/Incline-Decline bench, Assited Chin/Dip, and a Lying Leg Curl. We are always evaluating our equipment and try to keep things updated. If you have specific equipment requests, please email our Wellness Director, Jody at:
Comment(s) on locker room cleanliness: Locker room floors need to be sanitized along with showers floors nightly. All locker rooms could be more thoroughly cleaned.
- Response: We contract a professional cleaning company that cleans all locker-rooms and showers nightly. Although we believe they do a sufficient job, we will address your concern and make sure the floors are cleaned thoroughly.
Comment(s) on studio and gym floors being dusty/dirty: I attend group exercise classes 4-5 times a week in am the studios and in the gym. The floors are often very dirty. I feel sometimes the gym floor could be mopped more than it is. Seems dirty when we are in there for our Yfit class in the morning.
- Response: Our floors are dry-mopped overnight and again in the afternoon, and wet-mopped when necessary. With the amount of members using the studios and gym with shoes on, it’s hard to keep the floors clean at all times. Several people commented on this issue, so we will work to find a better solution.
Comment(s) on outdoor spaces: The playground needs updated… Looks like a dumping ground… The sand volleyball outside has always been a waste. Convert that into an outdoor basketball court… My kids love the playground but it always seems like a mess with trash or random toys…The playground area has so many holes/defects in the blue flooring. It’s a mess and somewhat dangerous. The equipment is great and our kids love playing on it but the chunks of blue everywhere and crumbling is disappointing…I have picked up trash outside in the YMCA lot and grass area over the last year because it looks so unpleasant… I’d like to see the playground floor be fixed…The playground and volleyball sandpit were a mess the one time I took my grandson to play on it.
- Our outdooor storage units were vandalized so toys have been in disarray. We are planning to purchase a small shed to store outdoor toys.
- During summer 2021, the playground surface was scheduled to be repaired when we were told that it needed replaced. At $10,000, we paused the project to explore different options over the winter while the playground is closed. If things go well, we will have it repaired or replaced prior to opening in the spring 2022.
- We did replenish the wood chips thanks to a grant from Bendix, and recently installed a new swing.
- Sand volleyball-I agree, there may be better usage of that space, we are looking into those options currently.
- And trash…there is no excuse-we will do better!
Comment(s) on fitness classes using equipment: At the times I go if you’re not part of a class you cant use half the equipment because they are all being used by the class or by trainers with people paying for individual workouts. I pay for the membership but I don’t have the extra money then to pay for a personal trainer, because I don’t it is hard to get in to use some of the equipment. The classes seem to have priority and control over areas, and keep non-class members out. I don’t feel I get a complete workout because I can’t use areas during class time…Trainers seem to think that they can monopolize an area for their classes. They have actually put signs on machines reserving them for the class. I pay my dues and have every right to use those machines…Limit the classes between 5:00-7:00 am.
- Response: Classes are popular because they make personal training more affordable. Although this is great for those that join, we realize that it does impact others not in the classes. To address class/equipment issues, we will be initiating the following:
- We have created a class-space in the Wellness Center. In this space we have multiple duplicates of equipment (dumbells, barbells, cable machines) that are also available in the free-weight area.
- Limit class sizes to avoid over-crowding.
- Trainers will be mindful of this issue, and will try to space exercises out.
- We will begin posting class times on the website and in the Wellness Center so you will know when classes are taking place.
- If you feel that these solutions are not helpful, please contact us so we can learn more about your struggles.